Sir, - The countless words, analyses, and opinions that constituted the sound and fury of the party campaigns in Israel's recent elections, have yet to reveal their ultimate worth and significance. In the world at large there is a clear and ominous rise of hatred and hostility, toward our beleaguered state that found its most recent expression in the obscene anti-Semitic cartoon posted by the Sunday Times of London. On Holocaust Remembrance Day, it chose to depict a big-nosed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu building and cementing a wall with the blood and limbs of Palestinians.
And Yet! We are able to respond and show the world what we truly are and how we differ, by virtue of two recent magnificent achievements of which we can be justly proud. The first, is the most beautiful and meaningful way that we and the Keren Kayemeth Leisrael commemorate the Tu Bishvat holiday. We did so by having hundreds of thousands of participants plant one million saplings all over Israel. Surely there can be no more positive and elegant way for a nation to express its wholesome respect and love for the genuine values to which they subscribe.
Second, is the almost unbelievable technology developed by Dr.Shai Meretzki and his Bonus BioGroup, where they have demonstrated the ability to grow healthy bone and cartilage, and literally create spare parts for people who suffer from the loss or deterioration of limbs.What a marvelous contribution to all of mankind and a most fitting response to all our detractors.
Petach Tikva