About obZEVation
Sir, - obZEVation is a compilation of my letters to the editor of the Jerusalem Post in recent years. The letters vary widely in subject-matter, from current events, politics, and security in Israel to broader topics such as religion and the arts and sciences. In other words, any subject that can be argued about in the print-space of a letter to the editor.
The headers of those letters published in the Jerusalem Post begin with the words J.Post followed by the date of publication, followed by the title.
[Remarks that the editor of the Jerusalem Post did not publish in the letter's final draft are printed in brackets like these.]
There are many letters to peruse and learn from. Whether you agree or disagree with what I've written, please leave your opinion in the comments and keep the discussion going!
Zev Chamudot
Petach Tikva
About the Author
Zev Chamudot has lived in Israel with his wife Harriet since 1970, and began writing letters and voicing his opinion on all-things-Israel almost as soon as he arrived. He is the former director of student services at Bar-Ilan University and acted as the first dean of Shenkar College. He lives in Petach Tikva.
About the Author's Grandson
Daniel Chamudot finally convinced his sabba Zev to bring his prolific letter-writing into the 21st century and start a blog. Sabba Zev agreed to keep writing the letters, but the 21st century-part was up to Daniel. Daniel publishes and maintains obZEVation, and probably has too much time on his hands.